Increase Productivity. Reduce Absenteeism. Enhance Employee Morale. Educate.
Attract & Retain Employees.

Why Wellness?

  • America spends more than $2 trillion annually on health care, more than any other nation in the world.

  • People suffer every day from preventable diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some forms of cancer that rob them of their health and quality of life.

  • Studies indicate that wellness programs positively affect the health, performance and well being of employees while directly impacting productivity, success, disability management and the bottom line.

  • Employers who provide wellness programs are found to attract and retain the most committed employees. A positive change in lifestyle equates to a positive change in the workplace.

How can companies structure wellness incentives that are both legal and have the greatest impact to change employee behavior? PK Wellness Matters can help develop a program that addresses your company’s unique needs, no matter what size or budget.

PK’s Approach on Wellness

  • Evaluate current wellness programs in place.

  • Determine employer objectives and employee needs.

  • Coordinate community and insurance carrier wellness programs to reduce employer costs of program.

  • Create incentive programs to engage employee participation.

  • Continually evaluate the program in an effort to expand the services provided.

  • Integrate health management into corporate culture through appropriate and consistent communication.

  • Conduct on-site employee Educational Seminars, Health Needs Surveys, Health Risk Assessments and Health Fairs.

  • Provide employer education packets for employee distribution and posting on company or PK sponsored Intranet pages.

  • Provide medical review on large claimants for insurance carrier appeals, large case management, & exposure forecasting and employee counseling

  • Evaluate and forecast potential large claimants using prescription utilization data.

  • Integrate exercise, disease prevention and holistic self-care into corporate culture.










Talk to us about how to start and maintain a successful wellness program.

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